From a meeting, dated 27/07/2010, the Secretariat of the National Movement for Albano Lazio Patria Nostra, has given rise to National Union of Italian Workers (SINLAI). At the meeting were: Pino De Stefano (MPN National President), Angelo Mortati (Political Secretary MPN), Valerio Arendt (Deputy National Secretary MPN), Alessandra Morelli (National Executive MPN), Fabio Rossi (MPN Regional Director, who will take National Board of SINLAI) Biagio Ehrler (representing the Confederation of Social Movements) and Dario Miccheli (Confederal Secretary of Italian mayor - CONFSICEL) The birth of Sinlai is due to the need to provide a further tool in the fight to the members of the MPN and the federal government and all Italians they needed the intervention of the Syndicate. This is atypical of a syndicate, because in it there are only categories of employees, but also self-employed, sole traders, businessmen, housewives and the unemployed, or a remedy for all Italians, regardless of type of labor or sex. In an era in which unions have become "political parties" ready to sell to the first bidder, in an era where the needs and priorities of workers have gone into the background, in an era when union to be a great union means above all try to open the doors of Palazzo Madama and Palazzo Montecitorio ... To us, we all had to do something important and in contrast! Back to talk about Socialization! This is, in his small, very small indeed, he intends to do the SINLAI. Return to the true nature of the union, protect workers and retirees and to help the unemployed find jobs, not to mention small and medium-sized companies, because if the company dies, the employee automatically die with her! It 's a baby and Union faces many difficulties in his way, sopratutto gli attacchi degli altri sindacati e dei movimenti politici, che faranno il possibile per far naufragare il progetto, ma al nostro fianco avremo il SINDACATO ITALIANO - CONFSICEL e il suo Segretario Confederale Dario Miccheli, che si è detto favorevole al progetto e stà valutando l'ingresso, quasi certo, del SINLAI nella sua Confederazione Sindacale, e questo ci dà coraggio e speranze per il futuro del SINLAI e sulla sempre più visibile cresita del MPN. Un altro importante passo del Movimento Patria Nostra, un altro progetto da portare avanti per il bene dell'Italia e del popolo italiano. E' tempo di fare le cose seriamente, rimbocchiamoci le maniche, c'è un paese da rimettere in piedi.
Angelo Mortati
Segretario Politico Nazionale del Movimento Patria Nostra
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