Comunicato del Movement Sardinian shepherd:
for over a month in Sardinia Sardinian shepherd the Movement has organized many meetings to see if the part of all the pastors there was a willingness to face a new battle to change a shameful situation that is taking too long the livestock sector to extinction.
These meetings have shown that this will is there. And it is so ingrained in everyone that nothing will stop the fight. The Sardinian shepherd, are exacerbated and realized that they have no other alternatives to prevent the inevitable and complete destruction of firms and hence the economic inability to sustain their families. In these assemblies
with the help of all the shepherds came a sort of platform that should give political and economic solution to the entire sector and revival ministry.
is the platform prepared by the Movement Sardinian shepherd:
1, Instant Recovery, for a limited period of a few years, the refund mechanism for the Community to American and Canadian market, the only possible means to empty the warehouses of our dairy industry without creating holes budget.
If this were not enough the state instead of giving money to poor countries (money in the pockets of their fniscono always hungry) distribute to the poor cheese.
2 nd Designing and building in the region 5 / 6 storage facilities with the possibility of bonifca and refrigeration of milk as the only means of force to give pastors the opportunity to provide the milk needed throughout the European market, thus freeing them from the monopoly of local processors that have always impose their conditions and prices from hunger for pastors.
3 ° Reduce costs of transport by applying the PSO has already been recognized by the European Union.
4 ° Prevent processing private or cooperative to sell milk instead transform it.
5 ° Reformulation of the RDP (Rural Development Plan) by moving resources Axis 1 to Axis 2 from productive investment that the intervention of the measures Agro-Environmental (compensation), to prevent that money intended for pastors fniscano in the pockets of vendors and designers.
6 ° Implementation of the rule de minimis fnanziario instrument planned for disbursing notifcare without the need for the measure to the European Union, bringing the current seven thousand to fifteen thousand euro for the sector as a vaccine. 7 °
insertion of Commons in the list of so-called benefit disadvantaged communities, to give him the possibility of benefciare of the measures mentioned above.
8 ° Give the opportunity to irrigated areas to use water at no cost to the cultivation of fodder for livestock use (alfalfa etc.) condition for reducing the cost of feeding our cattle.
9 ° Making small municipal slaughterhouses or neighborhood to enhance our meat and remove the monopoly of a few traders who wiped out the value of our beef. 10 °
use renewable energy but not to build greenhouses to power all the agro-pastoral. To do so would require that the region is a special company with the task of all companies elettrifcare sardines. If this is not done only a few can benefciare of this modern technology.
11 ° moratorium for at least two annual social security contributions as requested and was granted in France.
12 ° Restructuring of debts due and expiry of farmers and pastoralists and their processing facilities over a long period 20/30 years, giving a real opportunity for businesses diffcoltà to catch up with other companies.
These are the first points on a platform of things they ask for.
The Movement of Sardinian shepherds Avisa that these points more will be added between now and September, when a large event as pastors of the whole island will pass through the streets of Cagliari. Waiting for the September demonstration in July and August, since by all c 'enthusiasm is the Movement will organize a number of initiatives Sardinian shepherds to keep attention focused on the problems of the sector.
Movement Patria Nostra e il SINLAI -Sindacato Nazionale Lavoratori Italiani (confederato con CONFSICEL) si schiera dalla parte dei Pastori Sardi, perchè capisce le difficoltà in cui si trovano i pastori e i piccoli imprenditori agricoli ormai schiacciati dalla concorrenza "assassina" dei grandi allevamenti (spesso esteri)! E' obbligo di ogni italiano aiutare queste categorie lavorative, per preservare la tradizione, l'economia e la geniunità dei prodotti Italiani! Onore ai Pastori Sardi che continuano, nonostante le tante difficoltà, a svolgere questo duro lavoro che ci consente, ancora oggi, di avere prodotti genuini, garantiti e sopratutto "made in Italy" sulle nostre tavole!
Il Movimento Patria Nostra e il Sinlai invieranno delle Letters to institutions in support of the Movement Sardinian shepherd.
Valerio Arenare
Deputy Secretary of the National Movement Patria Nostra
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