Some of you have already got to know each other and have also attended some of our initiatives, such as the protest outside the headquarters of RAI, Viale Mazzini at Rome against Aldo Busi, or our campaign, "I buy Italian products and support" or "Give blood and platelets" or "No to saving decree pedophiles" and many other events scheduled as a conference on poor health care. We met to consider the idea of \u200b\u200bforming a political movement, not another party of "right", but something different, a laboratory of ideas where you can find men and women from different parties and political experience, a movement that, together other movements represent a start towards a new concept to make far from sinister political and economic interests (otherwise we would have knocked on the doors of the PDL ...). A unified group made up of soldiers only, and no General Assembly, a group of people who have decided to meet to show their love for our homeland, our beloved Italy! We do not presume to define policy, we are workers, the unemployed, retirees, contractors, employees, but not common people! Men and women who want to make their voices heard, to hear that the Italian people are tired of suffering, of being unheard, to be ruled by pimps, secessionists, cocaine, ignorant, showgirls, voltabandiera, arrogant, politically correct false- conformists-gooders, fellow new generation, former Christian Democrats and Socialists turned into hybrids after the end of the first republic (if it ever ended) and especially false comrades!
do not recognize ourselves in politicians and political parties that exist today but we believe in a project of "Greater Italy" was born a bit 'of years ago from the mind of a great statesman and other great men who worked with him and brought together Italy in great splendor, glory tarnished by those who betrayed not only men but an entire nation!
An idea that is inspired by the past and looks more alive and strong in the future! We are moving towards "The Third Way", a different path from the right and left, the idea of \u200b\u200bsocialization that our grandfathers and our fathers credettero come l'unica via da percorrere e che anche noi facciamo nostra perchè ci crediamo, perchè nei nostri cuori arde ancora una "fiamma", perchè ancora crediamo che nel novembre del 1943 fu scritta la vera strada per andare "verso il popolo".
Perchè non vogliamo più chinare la testa, perchè vogliamo ricordare le nostre tradizioni e non accettiamo contaminazioni, perchè non vogliamo più italiette ma una grande Italia, perchè "noi vogliamo che venga riscritta la storia", perchè non cerchiamo giustificazioni, perchè siamo ITALIANI! E' per questo che in qualità di responsabile del Lazio del Movimento Patria Nostra mi rivolgo a tutte le genti delle città di Viterbo, Rieti, Frosinone, Fascist and Rome, to invite you to join our movement! We
presumptuous? Maybe!
We are crazy? Definitely!
We are hopeless? Who knows ....
I believe it! I bring up the flag! I do not give up! I step and not step back! I want to live in the front line and watch the enemy in the eye! I was heading for the "Third Way"! I adhere to
Fabio Rossi
Regional Movement Coordinator Lazio Patria Nostra