text written on the occasion of the "Lanscape Joining The Dots" - May 16, 2010
Even we humans are animals. Like them, nel corso dei secoli ci siamo modificati ed evoluti rapportandoci e confrontandoci con l’ambiente circostante; ciò che da essi ci distingue è stata la parola (il linguaggio) con cui “diciamo” la nostra capacità di “intendere e di volere”. Aristotele diceva: “L’uomo è un animale parlante” .
E’ questa che ci ha portato ad avere con gli animali un atteggiamento di superiorità. L’uomo ha sfruttato gli animali per il proprio sostentamento; questi ultimi hanno perso nel tempo la loro natura istintiva a selvaggia: sono stati trasformati in animali domestici. Oggi con l’innovazione tecnologica sono ulteriormente have changed their eating habits as well as their facial characteristics. We also got to impose ourselves on the genetics of animals by cutting their ears, tails and establishing the connection between animals of the same race. Their original freedom was limited, changed, annulled. What we can still change, however, is their ability to interact with the environment. "The street dogs" is one example: even if tamed and confined within the limits imposed by the fence, this animal, dog, manages to preserve its nature and its territories and building roads along instinct. The streets are formed every day, repeating the same route habit, with the result of easier ways to have practical, safe, already tried. So did the first dogs to become pets and we know that animals continue to do so in other places are still living in the wild. (Valentina Lanzara)
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