text written on the occasion of the "Lanscape Joining The Dots" - May 16, 2010
In the beginning was the instinct ... (?).
Millions of years ago the first living with other roommates terrestrial plants and animals.
In an environment already biodiversificato every day comes to terms with his survival, co-exist, fight and resist the processes of natural selection.
After the fence was .
When he discovers the importance of agriculture and livestock, passes from a stage where he must adapt to everything around him, a process of appropriation and control of the territory , becoming gradually into a position of power over other species living and simultaneously producing social differences: changing from a subsistence economy to a growth model based sull'accumolo good.
The man now has a new social status: it has the properties of a fence, on which he is empowered to direct human and material resources.
lining a border between inside and 'outside gave rise to the oppositional culture-nature dichotomy, in which man feels demiurge and governor.
All selection mechanisms now appear to be in his hands and directly proportional to the economic dictates.
And were the borders.
L'uomo modifica e controlla il territorio definendolo giuridicamente, stabilendo così il ruolo del singolo individuo rispetto alla comunità di appartenenza, e la stessa rispetto alle altre comunità.
Il recinto si allarga e prende la forma della frontiera: immaginata, percorsa o rivendicata.
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