text written on the occasion of the "Lanscape Joining The Dots" - May 16, 2010
extends Great as a field, try to extend the thought of it. A small specimen of Quercus cerris, hidden among the vegetation, offering ample room for reflection. Old themes: man's desire to organize the space, to overcome the chaos and give an appearance of nature, ancestral anxiety control and submission, can permanently alter the dynamics of nature. The shrub is the silent confirmation that we know of that attempt to regain man's land where the order has not provided that there was. It has a slender stem that is inserted into the ground like a promise, leaves that stretch to claim as their own autonomy. It could be argued that nature is always a speech "from scratch", reaffirms if itself in new ways in the new role of all the plants that constitute its vocabulary from time to time. The "pioneer species" for example, are among the most combative and generous plants: recapture the depleted soils or degraded by creating the conditions for new plant sites after which they die.
The turkey will be a small hint of a good hay but the killing of an ancient plant barley field does not worry: the nature of it regenerates itself with the same tenacity with which the farmer tries to stem it. It is a cyclical movement of the generation and bone resorption, mechanics and entropy.
The turkey becomes a possibility of writing a landscape still different from the clump of uncultivated land a fitta trama di spighe di orzo; oggi lo consideriamo un atto di resistenza nei confronti dell’uomo abituato a sovrapporre alle cose i suoi bisogni, scopi e profitti.
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