Saturday, June 5, 2010

Paddle Attachment Kitchenaid

Testo scritto in occasione del progetto “Lanscape Joining The Dots "- May 16, 2010

The turkey found in the fields south of the Foundation may be the starting point to describe some of the transformations that this area has gone through in last fifty years: the actions that the speculation could have produced this landscape. Not far from this tree there is still a trace of a road that would serve as a branch of Via Santa Cornelia.
Between the fifties and sixties were in fact provided for allotments of land to build residential units, building on the land had already been for agriculture with the license, however, still partly to be able to build. One of the projects of speculation involved a town with villas, swimming pools and supermarkets, just on the surface where the turkey next to the road which is still visible. The fact that this whole area of \u200b\u200babout twelve acres was purchased by a private individual in 1973 has blocked, at least on this surface, any attempt at speculation. In the late nineties a further and definitive measures, or the establishment of the Park of Veii, declared the whole area that stretches from the outskirts of Rome to an area of \u200b\u200babout fifteen thousand acres, protected area. The park is so subject to historical or archaeological link, uprooted permanently the political and even cultural immorality for many years had only planned landscape changes in the direction of speculation and the commercial exploitation of the territory. All this had also facilitated the phenomenon of so-called "spontaneous construction", or of unauthorized, which in a few years brought out entire neighborhoods.


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