Sunday, May 16, 2010

Pro And Con Legalize Organs

Culture ANTS-Nature

Sunday, May 16 Today we presented our work, and it 'was great, the interest and appreciation were honest and heartfelt.
others write and what 'happened today, and you would like to submit a written Francesco de Santis (see this article) I send' a couple of weeks ago ', as a result of our request for assistance to this blog. Sfortunamtamente this text was' lost temporarily, but is now back with pleasure to propose.

Extremely clear e scorrevole, de Santis riesce qui' sotto a presentare una lettura della relazione fra societa' e natura, dalle radici ad ora.
Il testo finisce con l'affermare che solo l'arte puo' dare nuove letture e soluzioni all'antropocentrismo odierno.
Tu non sei totalmente daccordo su questo punto, da artista non credi che una singola sfaccettatura culturale possa raggingere tanto, a meno che non abbia il supporto della comunita' nella sua ampiezza.
Ma poi allora il distacco attuale viene colmato da tutti, non solo dagli artisti.
Ringrazi Francesco per questo testo

Il Paesaggio e l'Estetica

Il mondo, quello che diverrà poi fruibile dall'uomo, dopo un'iniziale inhospitality phase and after a long incubation period of life, literally exploded. From microscopic algae to giant boulders plant was quickly covering the lands of our planet and balanced with oxygen, then used by the animal forms an atmosphere saturated with carbon dioxide. Forests and meadows filled with life in scenarios similar to those that today we can still be seen. E 'in these environments, which later became the man appeared. Immersed in the luxuriant nature, dominated and intimidated by initially lived began to decipher the mysteries of nature. With slow and steady application was endowed with the levers that allowed him to make changes to the natural world around him and amendments più adatte a fornir vantaggi in un vivere arduo, colmo di insidie e di incertezze del futuro. Scoprì come addomesticare gli
animali e divenne allevatore, come coltivare i vegetali e divenne agricoltore. Il paesaggio sotto le
motivazioni del suo vivere cambiava di forma da vergine a colturale; le foreste si mutavano in selve, le praterie divennero campi agricoli. L'evoluzione era innescata; mutavano bisogni umani ed avanzavano le conoscenze. Per l'ottimizzazione delle attività produttive, l'insediamento abitativo si differenziava in rurale ed urbano e tra campo e città si tessero rapporti intimamente legati da mutue necessità. Il paesaggio delle forme primitive, naturali e primarie mutato in colturale, diventava anche luogo culturale and the partial human settlement, even if it leaves large areas of spontaneous life, disfigured and configure sites. The landscape became fully man-made. Throughout its history, man always spoke about the nature, to the satisfaction of his needs, he has changed and has changed his original appearance of
time to time reaching a new equilibrium situations. But the instincts of progress are unstoppable and conditions of stable equilibrium between man and nature joined the rural industrial problems that brought the economy as mandatory. Took over the activities in balance with nature, such as grazing and agriculture, industrial ones that most benefit the economy and that, in a completely unexpected because the limits of nature were unknown, while unbalanced relationship between man and environment. The landscape is degraded very rapidly, degraded "industrial" and to run for cover, it formulated the concepts of "protection", "protection", "protection" and the like. Have increased the city's green areas and wanted a protection designed for a "nature" whose function, however, remained essentially and above all subservient to the efficiency of men producers. Despite the impasse is the peace of conscience! To quote the words of Rosario Assunto: nature city "... that is the reality of the landscape and garden, as the union of love is true coupling ... air with the girls. " The excess is located in the Art of Living art daughter tout court! Arts antidote to mass production and mass art, which alone can bring, in the aesthetic frame, nature = life balance equation. Art that takes away the fence of the garden into the landscape and leads Eden than safeguards, to symbiosis-area man who, beyond all mental and material degradation, are offset by birdsong, the scent of flowers and colors of their corollas. Francesco de Santis


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