Testo scritto in occasione del progetto “Lanscape Joining The Dots” - 16 maggio 2010
From the "summit", the peak of a low hill from which you can observe the entire area north of the Foundation, giving the illusion of being able to control the growth, change and evolution of species that inhabit it. The conventional wisdom with which we delude ourselves to respect all other forms of life and in particular plant species, it is often the result of a complex ruse opulent contemporary society. Changes are now being designed by men such forward-looking solutions to environmental problems, remedial action to stem an economic emergency che investe tanto l’ambiente quanto, indirettamente, l’uomo.
Il disagio della società industriale nell’interpretare un ruolo improprio alla sua natura, palesa una tendenza antropocentrica nella ricerca di possibili soluzioni. Quando detto implica una propensione globale ad assumere un comportamento attento alle necessità dell’uomo mediate l’ambiente, e non il suo opposto. Il valore della società moderna nel suo ecosistema è indubbiamente incalcolabile, diversamente dal suo opposto in cui una civiltà stima, con metodo scientifico, il valore fisico dell’ambiente in cui si trova.
Consapevolezza, sensibilità e salvaguardia dell’ambiente, sono an essential need for humans. The multiple meanings of the environment, always in transformation, are a matter not only to understand but to produce, do not forget that some of these meanings are expressions of cultural models of society that produces them.
We can not think about the environment in relation to our needs? As he wrote the father of pragmatism, William James "The real cost is only in thought, just as is convenient in the field of behavior."
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