Thursday, January 13, 2011

What's A Good Pokemon Rom Source In Cydia


Peccato non essere riusciti nell'ultima seduta del Consiglio Comunale a votare all'unanimità il "regolamento per gli interventi economici di sostegno temporaneo al reddito a seguito di crisi economico-occupazionale". Ci siamo arrivati vicino, ma alla fine per un'impuntatura della Lega Nord la maggioranza di centrodestra non ha accolto un emendamento, piccolo ma significativo, presentato dal Partito Democratico, costringendoci a un voto di astensione. E pensare che eravamo stati noi mesi fa a presentare in Consiglio Comunale una mozione per impegnare la giunta a creare un fondo di solidarietà per i lavoratori in difficoltà perchè licenziati, cassaintegrati, mobile or non-standard contracts. This was our motion then passed unanimously.
Even for this regulation had made a significant contribution in our commission when it was passed. Our amendment relates to Article 3, which indicated the recipients of this support intervention: the residents in Muggia, Italian, and outside the EU, provided they have the 'paper' residence . I remember that the residence permit shall be issued to non-EU after six years of residence in Italy. Amendment of PD requested that the benefits were extended to non-possession of the only "allowed" to stay, issued upon entry into our country. Par liam therefore non-compliant with the law, not illegals. Why deny this temporary support to an immigrant who has worked regularly, paying taxes and contributions, for the sole reason to live for less than 6 years in our country? How do you think of the wife, the children of this employee in trouble and consciously decide to deny them a minimum of solidarity? At stake are core values. It 'a discourse of humanity, fairness, respect of fundamental rights.

Our arguments seemed to have made inroads in the parent PDL, which has tried to convince the League's sole advisor present, but did not succeed. a shame. on these sensitive issues of immigration and integration of foreigners in our communities the Northern League also has Muggiò attitudes of mistrust and hostility are able to affect the whole center-right coalition. A much more dramatic episode has consumed a few months ago when all the center - even its component Catholic - voted against our own agenda, which expressed solidarity with the Archbishop of Milan, Cardinal Dionigi Tettamanzi, the object of a violent hateful attack by the leader of the Northern League for the sua coraggiosa difesa delle persone emarginate della nostra società, tra cui gli extracomunitari e i rom.

Noi , comunque, continueremo ad assumere comportamenti che facilitino un processo di integrazione degli stranieri nella nostra comunità , nel rispetto della legalità e delle nostre tradizioni, ma nella consapevolezza che anche loro sono portatori di valori capaci di arricchire la nostra società.


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