In council we asked insistently three questions for the Board but received no reply.
The first is the money collected over a year ago for the earthquake victims Aquila, including the attendance of councilors. What happened? A legitimate question, it seems. The answer? There's not been given any. No councilor knows nothing. Want to see who landed the only money in the Abruzzo region of our city have been blamed as the 6 000 € from me aside the day after the earthquake?
The second question is about 5 per thousand of the tax return that can be allocated to their municipality. First Financial predicted that this opportunity was that of 2006/2007. We then , implemented an intensive awareness campaign and we strive to use the money collected to support the most vulnerable and, in particular, for the construction of a facility for the disabled (the project 'after us' ). The response was very generous muggioresi (50 000 € in 2 anni) e il nostro figurò tra i Comuni italiani più premiati dai propri cittadini. Segno inequivocabile di fiducia e di una condivisione dell'obiettivo proposto. Con queste premesse abbiamo chiesto alla Giunta attuale se si impegnava a mantenere questa destinazione del 5 per mille. La risposta? Un imbarazzato silenzio . E' chiaro che gli attuali amministratori vogliono mantenere le mani libere nell'utilizzo di questo fondo . Disapproviamo questo atteggiamento che riteniamo scorretto nei confronti dei cittadini , perchè a loro non è stato indicato nessun cambiamento di obiettivo rispetto al passato.
Infine la terza domanda . The council has asked the city council permission to renegotiate mortgages 53 active, focusing on a stretch of the delay with a reshaping of interest rates, which will mean a reduced burden in the early years (of which will benefit from this Board: 100 000 € / year for 3 years) and a greater burden for future splicing (complessivament and about 450 000 €!). Under the principle: "We begin to think of us and the devil take the hindmost." Principle is not shared by us, we voted against. Also because - listen! - We realized that for 19 of these mortgages has decided to be a lengthening of the delay that a worsening rate interest! Why did we come to this absurd result? Again there was no response. What can I say? I am amazed and I leave you to judge these behaviors.
Carlo Fossati
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