Merry Christmas ... and that the light that shines from the stable of Bethlehem illumini la nostra strada nel nuovo anno.
Desidero riproporvi alcuni passaggi del "discorso all'umanità" che Chaplin pronuncia al termine del suo film: "Il grande dittatore".
Un discorso che mi ha sempre emozionato e che trovo di grande attualità.

"... A coloro che mi odono, io dico: non disperate! Voi non siete macchine, voi non siete bestie: siete uomini! Non difendete la schiavitù ma la libertà!
you! You, the people, have the power to create machines, the power to create happiness. You, the people have the power to make life free and beautiful : to make this life a wonderful adventure. Then, in the name of democracy , we use this force. Let us all unite!
fight for a new world that is better! Which gives all men work, young people a future and old age security . Promise of these things, brutes have risen to power: they lied! Have not kept those promises, and never will! The Dictators free themselves but they enslave the people.
let us fight to fulfill that promise! fight to free the world, removing boundaries and barriers, eliminating greed, hatred and intolerance . We fight for a world of reason. A world where science and progress will lead to all men welfare.
The human spirit will find its wings and, finally, begin to fly, to fly over the rainbow into light of hope , towards the future. The glorious future that belongs to you, to me ... all of us.
Look up Hannah up there ... "
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