During the last sitting of the council Councillor budget has put a question made by a majority of compliant adviser to state with great satisfaction that the Stability Pact would be respected and emphatically thank the council, city officials (and so far the thanks we could stand) and a majority of all directors for their important contribution. For the latter step, however, allow me to externalize the commissioner Galletti my astonishment. Those who attended the council knows what is the contribution of the members of the majority: essentially 'zero', being the other, in 90% of cases a presence 'dumb'.
I too had hoped for in recent months that the Stability Pact would be respected, because otherwise the penalties provided for by the government would further penalized our City, making it very difficult the preparation of the next budget. Do note the Administration that he achieved this, but I do express two considerations.

the first. To achieve this the council has cut the large resources in important areas For example, in the maintenance of roads (and citizens have been noticed in these days of bad weather: many dangerous holes scattered everywhere! ), green, public works, as well as personal services (social services and schools, already badly hit by the reform Gelmini).
The second . Even center of my administration has always respected the pact of stability, without reducing investment in social and public works and play without the fanfare and put the feathers of the peacock . A question of style.
In conclusion: the real challenge was to respect the Stability Pact without reducing services to the city. I'm sorry but this challenge administration center has lost it!
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