Slow food talk
This '
year biodiversity' , declared by the United Nations.
In conjunction with this event throughout the world have sprung a number of initiatives, conferences, exhibitions and round tables.
When it Rome and 'share in various events, including what appears to be the most' official includes a series of (fact) conferences, roundtables and exhibits, as well as concerts, film festivals and activities 'for young people under the banner of initiatives, the
Biodiversity Week': discovering the links between culture, food and nature , all 'Auditorium.
Yesterday you attended the presentation of the book
Mother Earth. How not to make us eat the food , Carlo Petrini.
know the work of Petrini
for years and have a chance 'to see about this very important person you care so much.
Petrini and 'praticamanete the originator of what came to be' became an international network,
SlowFood . From your
ppunto view a media solution admirable, this character has been able to collect the instinct of survival under the banner of local cultural food. From there 'the complex structure and horizontal created went foul-mouthed in the establishment of an international network devoted to the preservation of diversity' regional world:
TerraMadre , with over 155 states represented by small farmers and producers.
In his own words the desire to obtain a prepontemente economic importance through a participatory politics, was able to gather the consensus and the energies of many, many, far and near.
admirable, a representative democracy through economic landscape, where various peculiarities' premises are protected by corporate lobbyists who want to register trademarks and plants, food and customs, with the ultimate goal of exclusivity 'of gain.
You are not able to stay until the end, as the possibility 'of public transportation to get back in the Roman countryside you do not have permission. You left a tape recorder with a friend 'cause that would gather the rest of the meeting saw Petrini deal with the Mayor of Rome, Gianni Alemanno, on topics as varied social importance of urban gardens, the allotment to wild-profit market immoboliare and effective mechanisms for participatory democracy at local level.
You left before he could ask questions if you have never given a chance '.
Da bravo eretico e avvocato del diavolo, avresti voluto confrontare Petrini con delle domande che tanti si pongono fra ristoratori e produttori:
Leggevi sulla Repubblica del 15 maggio della mossa politica dell'organizzazione SlowFood, che e' in processo di creare realta' rappresentative a livello locale tramite la propria rete di iscritti.
Da voce di contadini SlowFood vuole diventare voce politica.
Interessante questo salto, da realta' extraparlamentare si vuole qua' entrare nella mischia, pensando effettivamente di poter tenere la bandiera pulita e ritta.
Se l'idea di democrazia orizzontale ha portato SlowFood ad essere cio' che e', com'e' possibile pensare che una rappresentanza politica rimanga indipendente e extra-parlamentare?
And then, Slow Food and 'de facto become a brand, with the authentication process does not differ from DOC and other representations of mafiosette market, so that two years ago', New Zealand, in a supermarket you are getting a package in the precooked foods section with the dome SlowFood ... SlowFood be heated in the microwave ..
But we want to make fun of?
Now, none of this takes away from my respect for the ideas and the relevance of the discourses of Slow Food, which, inter alia, has among its proponents and designers structural people like Vandana Shiva.
It does not detract from the need 'to find the form of participation and effective to counter the overwhelming power of multinational corporations to local and global political through their lobbyists, it 's never all that glitters is gold, but surely you can' see the difference between fake gold and coal acid, therefore, will return today to hear more.