facts. to the police station I accepted the way of project financing choice Zanantoni in his first term. We started the project inherited , confirming the designer (architect Romano) and tying immediately contacts with all parties involved : by the highest authorities of the police officers at all levels (local, provincial, regional) to the Prefect of Milan, by State Property offices in Rome and the regional branch of the Interministerial Commission (Ministry of Interior and Defense), and as a last act of the whole authorization process, before the bulldozers would come into action, would comment on the fairness of the rent awarded to the owner / costuttore property. our interest was, of course, come to the realization of the barracks by the end of our mandate : also why we still pressed on the accelerator. Unfortunately times have been determined by actors and factors that did not fall within our sphere decision. The case was carefully and repeatedly examined by technicians - nostri e degli altri soggetti coinvolti - e a me non sono mai state segnalate incongruenze e difetti. Abbiamo - è vero - dovuto modificare il progetto su richiesta dell'arma dei carabinieri per renderlo rispondente a nuovi criteri di sicurezza, ma lo abbiamo fatto senza perdere tempo, grazie anche alla grande disponibilità del progettista. Alcuni fatti possono dare qualche suggerimento in tema di responsabilità. La pratica è stata a lungo bloccata presso l'ufficio del Demanio della Lombardia anche per la condotta negligente di un funzionario, che è poi stato rimosso. E abbiamo dovuto attendere molti mesi prima che la Commissione interministeriale si riunisse per verificare la congruità del canone annuo di locazione della caserma. Questa risposta ci came May 29, 2009: It shows that a reasonable annual fee for rental of € 221,250.00.
In conclusion: my conscience is calm, all the way because I did my duty to make a useful project to the city and put in my electoral program. The mayor Zanantoni , who had no hesitation nell'addossare to me because of a procedural defect, wonder why it took 15 months to realize that the practice was flawed. Be more objective and intellectually honest and do not always play the blame game!
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