Without much conviction to show a skeptical public of its operation within the parameters of the Stability Pact. At present there are in fact all the elements to think of a slippage: over a million and a deficit of € 7centomila just 90 days after the end of the year and there are many mayor and councilors did not give convincing answers (or you are not their dates). Were not implemented effective policies to control costs and reduce expenditure during the year, and now the chickens are coming home to roost and we play all out hoping to cash in at the last minute the income of a super-sale of municipal real estate for nine hundred thousand euro.
At the time, this transaction is not entered in case even one euro, the time is short and the countdown has begun: the excess - if any - of the Stability Pact for our City would be the main event Malicious recent years, for heavy penalties apply to municipalities that the government failed to comply.
would mean that for 2011 the City will not have the resources to ensure the same levels of service to the citizens guaranteed so far. Just as there are more need for the economic crisis and employment. Result? A Common property unfortunately, no and no resources. A tragedy - if it happens - will penalize muggiorese every citizen, every association, every business in the area. No exceptions.
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