Friday, December 12, 2008

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ISPI Publications

ISPI on the site are available for the following publications:

ISPI - Policy Brief No. 110 published under the Mediterranean Programme and the Middle East:
" Turkey and pipeline projects to Europe " (PDF file) of Valeria Talbot

The second Strategic Energy Review published by the EU has recently included among the priority infrastructure projects, creating a corridor from the southern gas fields in the Caspian and the Middle East. The Policy Brief examines the role of Turkey within the policy of diversification of EU energy supplies, given the strong interest of both the EU and Ankara in the development of east-west connections, in order to reduce energy dependence of both the Russia.

ISPI - Policy Brief nos. 111-112 in the published program Russia and Eastern Neighbours:

"Russia's Attitude Towards the post-Soviet space after the war in Georgia " (PDF file) of Tomislava Penkova

The Policy Brief analyzes recent developments in Moscow's policy towards the countries of the post-Soviet space. Starting from the new doctrine of foreign policy, the study traces the trends rafforzatesi two months following the war in Georgia, or the increased use of diplomatic means in solving the frozen conflicts (Azerbaijan and Moldova) and at the same time, the militarization of the area question.

" The financial crisis and prospects of the Russian economy " (pdf file) by Franco Zallio

The bag Russia is experiencing the worst result among the emerging markets (-71% YTD at the end of November). This Policy Brief analyzes the weaknesses of the Russian financial system - made even more evident from the contagion of international crisis - and the supportive measures studied by the Russian government. Although there is no lack of resources, in fact, their use to support the economy rather than for investment in infrastructure weakens the economic prospects for the medium to long term, as well as further strengthen the public role in the economy.


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