Monday, December 22, 2008

Aktualizacja Oprogramowania Twain Canoscan D646u

Scuola Agraria del Parco di Monza: news

Are you tired of giving the same old things? You do not know just what to give to your loved ones for Christmas?
Give opportunity to cultivate a passion, a hobby, do something fun, useful, environmentally friendly ... in the Park of Monza presents a course for the School of Agricultural Science Park of Monza: Call your courses to the number 039 2302979 (int. 201)
Potete pagare con un bonifico bancario e un buono personalizzato verrà inviato tramite e – mail al destinatario del regalo.
'm leaving free training courses funded by Law 236/93 for employees of Lombard, farms, nurseries, forestry and gardening operating in the Lombardy region, aimed at updating and qualification of workers throughout the agricultural sector, to increase the competitiveness of enterprises and promote quality employment.
For info, alerts, and more training details contact: Giovanna
Cutuli - g.cutuli @ - 039 / 2302979 (int. 761)
The next courses the program are:
Planning and Management in the vegetable farm
A course dedicated to agritourism operators (but not only) for the management of the garden in catering and the production of manufactured goods and preserves, with hints of horticulture and general management, HCP and hygiene, practical issues.
Duration: 15 hours
Date: January 26 (9:00 to 12:00, 13:00 to 17:00) and February 2 (8:00 to 12:00, 13:00 to 17:00)
The use of the Garden at the farm Social
A course dedicated to agritourism operators on the management of the garden as a tool for working with people with disabilities, in addition to general recalls will horticulture, will be dealt with issues of organization labor and technical involvement, group dynamics and its operational management.
Duration: 15 hours
Date: February 10 (9:00 to 12:00, 13:00 to 17:00), February 16 (8:00 to 12:00, 13:00 to 17:00)
are leaving the free courses and preparatory courses for irrigation use and purchase of plant protection safeguards implemented in various provinces of Lombardy (Rural Development Plan 2008).
requirements: be in possession of CUAA code (unique identification code of the farm).
For those who are not in possession of CUAA you can participate by paying the registration fee.
For info, alerts, and more training details contact: Giovanna
Cutuli - - 039/2302979 (int. 761)
Per le proposte formative in calendario da gennaio e maggiori informazioni clicca qui
I prossimi corsi i programma sono:
Razionale impiego delle risorse irrigue con particolari approfondimenti sull'utilizzo della subirrigazione e delle sue applicazioni.
I prossimi moduli in calendario si svolgeranno nelle seguenti province:
Brescia : gennaio - febbraio 2009 date da definire
Bergamo : gennaio - febbraio 2009 date da definire
Milano : 15 - 22 - 23 gennaio 2009
Como : 18 dicembre 2008 - 19 - 20 gennaio 2009
Varese : 26 gennaio - 5 - 6 febbraio 2009
Razionale impiego dei prodotti fitosanitari attraverso la maggiore conoscenza dei patogeni e dei loro sintomi.
Il corretto uso dei concimi e le problematiche dei nitrati.
Il corso darà le competenze per sostenere l’esame provinciale finalizzato al rilascio del Patentino Fitosanitario.
I prossimi moduli in calendario si svolgeranno nelle seguenti province:
Brescia : inizio a gennaio 2009 date da definire
Lodi : 12 gennaio 2009 e febbraio 2009
Milano : 2 febbraio 2009 ad Abbiategrasso (in definizione).
Pavia : inizio gennaio 2009 (in definizione).
Sondrio : inizio gennaio 2009 (in definizione).
Per ulteriori informazioni clicca qui

La gestione dell’albero in ambito urbano - NOVITA’
course focused on the management of the tree in urban areas, consider issues such as selection, planting, the ordinary and extraordinary, its removal, including the reference standards, regulations and guidelines other countries.
Course Duration: 64 hours (3 days. + 3 days. + 2 days).
Date: 20, 21, January 22 + 10.11, 24:23, 24 February 2009
Tree-climbing (base)
A basic course aimed at those who want to learn the techniques of movement in the plant safely and know the equipment, access systems and materials used for this activity.
Course Duration: 40 hours (5 days).
Date: January 19 to 23
NB: The course structure to comply with the guidelines established by the State, Regions and Provinces independent of 19 January 2006 establishing the program module of the course divided into basic and specific practical form.
Both modules provide checks which, once passed, entitling the issue of territorial jurisdiction by ASL (as set out in Circular No 24/SAN/2007 Lombardy Region) which is valid throughout the national territory.
pruning ornamental trees: from theory to practice
A theoretical and practical courses, complementary to the course of arboriculture, to learn the proper pruning techniques, in accordance with the physiological needs of the plant.
Course Duration: 24 hours (3 days).
Date: from 27 to 29 January 2009
Using the chainsaw and felling techniques
The course objective that provide adequate theoretical preparation and operational use and maintenance of the saw and the proper abatement techniques and construction of tall trees.
Course Duration: 40 hours (5 days).
Date: From 26 to 30 January 2009
For training proposals are scheduled from January click here
For course info and registration: Course Secretariat, tel. 039 2302979,

Frutticoltura - Corso base
Conoscere e gestire al meglio le piante da frutto; tra i principali argomenti: richiami alla fisiologia delle piante, specie e varietà più coltivate, messa a dimora, potatura, moltiplicazione e manutenzione.
Durata: 15 ore
Date di svolgimento: 17, 24, 31 Gennaio 2009, 7, 14 Febbraio
Sabato mattina, ore 9,00 – 12,00.
Giardino, terrazzo e piante d’appartamento
Come gestire al meglio i propri spazi a verde.
Tra i principali argomenti: richiami di botanica e agronomia, corretta coltivazione e manutenzione delle piante (concimazione, lotta alle avversità…), potatura dolce degli arbusti.
Durata: 18 ore
Date di svolgimento: 17, 24, 31 Gennaio 2009, 7, 14 Febbraio
Saturday morning, at 9.00 to 12.30.
Ikebana Art - master course
Study of the techniques and philosophy, coming to recreate the atmosphere of a landscape in the style moribana.
Duration: 18 hours
Dates: 24, January 31, 2009, 7, 14, 21, 28 February
Saturday morning, at 9.00 to 12.00.
For info and registration courses: Course Secretariat, tel. 039 2302979,
For training proposals are scheduled from January click here


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