In queste settimane, mentre dentro la coalizione PDL + Lega Nord si è cercato goodbye to remedy the deputy mayor with the search for a new assessor (research not simply as a bellows League can count only six members ) muggioresi several families with disabled members and dependents have received from a City "Sting " how little they remember.
With Resolution No. 177 to the end of 2010, and entered into force in 2011, the center muggiorese voted unanimously an increase of 85% rates of transport service for people with disabilities every day reach, thanks to the means of the Cross red, day centers in the area (but also Liss Monza and Milan) to carry out training activities, but also the various therapies related diseases that unfortunately accompany disability.
could open many reflections sull'ennesima improvident and questionable decision of a majority pulls a living "without solid development ideas for the city. But at least the following observation seems in order.
With Resolution No. 177 to the end of 2010, and entered into force in 2011, the center muggiorese voted unanimously an increase of 85% rates of transport service for people with disabilities every day reach, thanks to the means of the Cross red, day centers in the area (but also Liss Monza and Milan) to carry out training activities, but also the various therapies related diseases that unfortunately accompany disability.
could open many reflections sull'ennesima improvident and questionable decision of a majority pulls a living "without solid development ideas for the city. But at least the following observation seems in order.
The district, perhaps without thinking too much, he put the families of vulnerable people faced with the choice to use or not of a municipal service that shows an average rise of 85% over the previous year. A difficult choice because there behind only a matter di soldi , ma anche delle scelte che riguardano l’organizzazione stessa della vita familiare e dei suoi tempi, che ne possono uscire profondamente modificati, di fronte all’eventuale rinuncia del servizio: quel che prima era tempo che un familiare poteva dedicare al lavoro od alla cura di sé ora diventerà tempo da dedicare per il trasporto del proprio familiare, con inevitabili sovraccarichi di stress e di peggioramento della qualità della vita .
Se anche solo una famiglia dovesse rinunciare al servizio di trasporto, il Comune avrà contribuito a rendere meno efficace ed universale un servizio sociale primario.
Sappiamo bene che la stretta del ministro Tremonti si sta making them feel even Muggiò : in 2010 various fees and rates have increased in a diffuse and varied (as the fee for families waste + 30%), but an intervention of this type and scope of this (+ 85%) just did not expect it.
Se anche solo una famiglia dovesse rinunciare al servizio di trasporto, il Comune avrà contribuito a rendere meno efficace ed universale un servizio sociale primario.
Sappiamo bene che la stretta del ministro Tremonti si sta making them feel even Muggiò : in 2010 various fees and rates have increased in a diffuse and varied (as the fee for families waste + 30%), but an intervention of this type and scope of this (+ 85%) just did not expect it.
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