Great success for the evening on the pseudo-reform Gelmini: high participation of the public for a theme that involves schools Muggiò and the destiny of us all. Even the "parterre" of the guests, as they say in these cases was the highest level. Because the school is not only "Nozionificio" but it's much more.
Don Milani said that "when you throw a guy in the world today without an education, you have thrown in the sky a bird without wings."
A warning more timely than ever, in opposition to the myopic and ominous words of the minister Tremonti, that "culture can not eat."
And 'demonstrated the opposite: education, development of knowledge and skill are the guarantee of economic and social welfare. No civilized country in this time of crisis, has cut funds for culture, schools and universities. Only Italy.
Peccato che così facendo il Governo di centrodestra, ormai allo sbando, ha tagliato le uniche possibilità di uscire dalla crisi con più forza e più slancio di prima.
Ora l'invito ad impegnarsi per una scuola veramente migliore nei fatti, e non solo a parole.
Il futuro dell'Italia passa, inesorabilmente, ancora una volta, dai banchi di scuola .
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