Sunday, May 4, 2008

Online Design Wrestlers

Papi (incestuous story)


"Let me take in my mouth, Papi"

figurative This request may be a need to hide, by Popi,
to lick the spoon of ice cream that Papi is sipping conscientiously, and instead represent an explicit and obscene sexual invitation.

adjourn per un attimo questa visione e ricominciamo da capo.

Dunque il Papi, al secolo avvocato Enzo Chiavacci, è vedovo della compianta madre della Popi, battezzata Francesca, ma Popi per tutti, da parecchi anni, per la precisione sei.

Dalla morte improvvisa, fulminante, della poveretta, tutti dichiarano che l'avvocato sembra non essersi ancora ripreso dallo choc, con quell'aria smarrita, e l'andatura un po' dondolante che lo segnala da lontano, nei suoi peregrinare dallo studio casa e da casa al tribunale. In effetti non si conoscono d'allora, sue storie, etero o omo, che rassicurino amici e conoscenti.

Per la verità subito dopo il Tragico Evento molte vedove e separate avevano cercato di consolarlo, and part of a two or three ladies were apparently successful, then nothing. Only a few months

Papi took to attend Naomi, a forty malmaritata but by indissoluble bond, due to the large fortune of her husband, famous gay porn movie goer in the provinces adjoining the capital and saunas.

When we have only the Pope has taken steps to try as possible to compensate for the loss of her mother, taking care of Popi in person, in light of the recommendations that the hardworking women of the family's move.

So, now, the Popi was moved to the bedroom, even directly into the bed, suddenly so empty.
The complicity between physical
Popes and Popi took a few months but has been slow to consolidate.

Before the Pope lingered on Saturday to play with the baby, then just six years, and the tufts in the tender package, request the rice of the small, yet so sad, took turns to kiss a bit 'here and a little' there, aimed at tickling the trigger.

The Popes had discovered the white skin of the child, already very lean and lanky and this tendency was also noted in the white stroke it in the least malicious, back and arms.

They also had created together, can not remember the source, a game that was called together all private "saltabacio" which was to kiss a body area and then jump in the opposite while the victim was to remain serious. Obviously Popi was laughing the whole throat and so was the Pope to insist in his jump from area to area and only rarely happened to the baby can prevail, if not deliberately decided to leave when Papi win.

Then, a year later, Popi discovered that her father's lips on your bare skin were a source of direct pleasure and began to ask the game, with more evil and pushing the pajamas, with results worthy of a seductive Messalina.

's Lawyer Enzo Chiavacci fact, in the meantime had discovered that these innocent games of truth were not so innocent, and often found himself erect, with sex that pressed in pajama pants and a couple of times also happened was that from these it was even leaked!

The poor guy had a nice cut that was supposed to say these games from the start but then the innate weakness had led him to postpone and postpone, indefinitely, if any, drastic decisions.

The confidence and the almost symbiotic relationship that characterized this special relationship between father and daughter, had led the Popes to explain to the child well in advance of the facts of life, and Popi already knew everything about the anatomical and functional differences of the sexes, and the antics of the sexes intermediate and not assignable or to be defined: the lawyer had taken over the father and had recommended, thanks to the professional knowledge of family law and how it was hidden behind the everyday life of home, an educational approach, very direct and disenchanted.

Popi saw Papi naked and if he had revealed an erection he would no doubt demanded origin and phenomenology undoubtedly embarrassing.

So it happened that the poor man, in taking a real uncontrollable attacks of priapism, thrown them away in the solitude of the bathroom, that was actually quite comfortable, imagining situations extremely nasty games with her daughter's peers, by the Criminal Code if realized in practice.

In the months following the discovery of both, each in his own party, had come to create an unpleasant situation: Popi urged the Pope to return to the old games, temporarily suspended and the Popes tried to resist, almost never happened.

fact every time, in one way or another, the little he could in his view, lifting the hem of pajamas here, reaching half-naked from the bath and beyond, even though the lawyer claimed the girl with that certain things are not good, then the father gave way, being invariably excited and frustrated by the need to hide their swellings.

Popi One morning, nearly nine years, had returned from the bathroom and had turned up, with sudden movement, her nightgown, claiming a gran voce il saltabacio cui il Papi, preso in contropiede, non si sentì di sottrarsi.

Quella mattina fu trascorsa quasi interamente sulle lenzuola, con la Popi che si strusciava alle labbra ed alla lingua del Papi, del tutto trasformato nelle qualità e nell'ubicazione dei contatti; dai bacetti a pernacchia, labbra quasi serrate e lingua rigorosamente irraggiungibile ed inoperosa, a baci umidi e profondi. passeggiate su e giù lungo tutto il dorso, alternando labbra e lingua fino a farle gonfiare e dolere.

I giochi terminarono ad ora di pranzo, con la scusa che si doveva uscire perché altrimenti il ristorante avrebbe chiuso, lasciando il Papi con un dolore lancinante ai testicoli. Dolore attenuato e poi eliminato In the evening, during an endless shower under which the frantic hands, together with the vivid memory of the morning, worked the miracle of two contiguous orgasms, the first painful and physiologically, the second most sensually satisfying and significant.

Since that time things were no longer the same: on the one hand Popi became more intriguing and seductive, demanding and authoritarian, the other, the Popes, while aware that their behavior went increasingly slipping into China's importance criminal, brought forward more and more perverse games.

Among these are used to advantage in the advanced hour of the night, aware of the deep sleep of the girl, for illustrate its scantily clad forms with the help of a small flashlight, portable and masturbating in these visions stolen.

Another game that had begun to integrate its nell'accostare was the first member to the thighs or the ass of his daughter, and rubbing with the maximum weight not to wake her, to reach orgasm.

There was also that of her hand, abandoned on the bed which he took in his own, with a thousand precautions, and then passed on his penis, already duly prepared and ready to dispense with pleasure, after a few light contact with the hand, in can give some beautiful things.

the lawyer, conscious of the risks he was running a decided days to explain to her daughter that the quality of the relationship between them was very special, that she reminded him of his poor mother and the things they did, the games between them, were their only and should not be told to anyone, and that in somehow, their relationship was a bit 'like that between husband and wife.

Popi was silent for a while, 'and then innocently asked, "Do you mean that I should not tell anyone of our games on Saturday and Sunday."

"No honey, you better remember that they are matters between us and between us we can only talk about it."

"But even then the games night?" and so the lawyer learned with dismay what he had sensed but often had refused to consider: the Popi was not asleep, but pretending to allow the father to do what he wanted, with more freedom of movement and morbidity.

For the umpteenth time I was at a turning point: Popi, which his father had not pulled in more than midweek nights, Saturday morning completely bared and with the ease that only a complete absence of malice or cloudy consciousness can be expressed in similar forms, offered to kiss his father's saying, "Now, you can treat me as wife."

I'd like to be able to tell that this measure had the effect of including in it the father, but it did not, and indeed the man felt incoraggiato ed assolto nei suoi precedenti comportamenti e passò a giochi ben più intimi.

Il corpo di Popi, precedentemente ed anche adesso, tanto esplorato ed inumidito, leccato e carezzato, fu poi aperto per accogliere nelle pieghe più recondite le dita e la lingua dell'uomo, abile nel trasferire alla ragazzina sensazioni voluttuose, fino al suo inequivocabile stringere contemporaneamente le cosce sulla mano del padre e serrare occhi e labbra per trattenere la sensazione così nuova ed insopportabilmente

Passarono giorni, mesi ed anni e la costante evoluzione del rapporto portò i due ad
esplorare tutte le vie della libidine più raffinata ed innocente, primitiva e perversa.

At twelve, Popi today is one meter high and 65, the tits are doing their timid appearance in a bust of future model, the structure seems to filiform slender, long and straight hair that can cover story lady Godyva and that if it were the brown would look like, in beautiful, Barbie.

The lawyer felt the need to take some 'the distances from the situation, prepared to lose her daughter as a lover and you are stuck with Noemi, certainly not strange accamperà needs until his culattone all the forage point.

To be totally honest, Noemi to bed not worth the foot of Popi immodest but, so much in life you contentment, and that's when Naomi makes him a blow job to his daughter and he thinks everything can be fixed.

The last game they had invented the ice cream, Popi, fond of ice cream in summer and winter, sipping ice cream straight from the cock of the father on the glans which rests between each spoonful and it sucks' s excited laughter of both, the cold cream delays the outcome of the blow job but the stress of the tongue eliminate the depressing effects of low temperature ice cream, in a series of hot and cold ice cream that ends in terms in which the blow will be brought to term. Today

Papi is thoughtfully reflects on the future of his daughter and also of himself, is Popi manifestando un interesse particolare per Enrica , nuova compagna di banco quattordicenne, tornata a scuola dopo due anni d'assenza per ragioni familiari.

Le due ragazzine sono inseparabili e lui sospetta che fra di loro ci sia qualcosa in più di un'innocente amicizia fra adolescenti: l'idea lo eccita e pensa che un eventuale allargarsi della coppia non possa fare altro che bene all'armonico sviluppo psicofisico della figlia.

Dopotutto un padre deve stare attento a quello che può accadere ad una figlia vivace e sensuale come Popi.

Mentre riflette, un po' trasognato, sente la voce della ragazzina che gli sussurra insinuante: " Fammelo prendere in bocca Papi, sai quanto mi piace il gelato!"


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