PUPONE story
Marinella married Geppino When no one was surprised but all who envied quell'omarino widower and no attraction, except the large shareholders, had got that of female poop.
She was just 18 years and he already 54 e la fama del puttaniere, conseguente alla malattia ed alla morte della prima moglie, Assunta, una donna bruttina e dalla salute incerta che aveva però rimpinguato il patrimonio già notevole dell'uomo, allietato le notti con insospettabili arti e poi l'aveva lasciato privo di conforto coniugale ma più ricco di prima delle nozze.
Per consolarsi, Geppino si era dato alle entreneuses dei locali di lap dance ma poi se ne era annoiato e, vista Marinella che usciva dalle magistali, mentre lui se ne andava a spasso per il Corso, se ne era invaghito subito e senza scampo.
Vista, piaciuta, concupita e corteggiata all'antica, con grandi mazzi di rose rosse seguiti poi da cioccolatini, gems and jewels ever more challenging as the knowledge and the subsequent courtship proceeded.
Her parents, especially his mother because his father was less fighting and more concrete, was uncertain between the good of the child, in the sense of affection and good prospects of his daughter, in the way of material goods, more and prospectively stood out as more or less side-effects of a lawful marriage.
And you?
Well you can not say it was very uncertain, as he was intrigued by the lover gifts ever more promising and less interested in romance as love, desire, passion the senses.
Indeed Marinella was a strange contrast of elements, so that aspect was imagining some kind of Mediterranean promises to bed, with his statuesque body, perhaps already a bit 'Junoesque but also full of enticements and promises that every male and some imagined place of the female and sleepless nights of disturbed onanistic pimply youth.
Geppino then from Assumption, despite a decade of intense activity and more of an alcove before the illness had not had children and then finally he hoped to find an heir that she owned the Metropole hotel, two restaurants on the waterfront and the moveable and immoveable assets which grew thanks to these activities.
So it was with great relief. after a few months before the wedding. The girl became pregnant, and that approximately one year after the marriage was born Attilio, a beautiful baby over 4 pounds.
In fact it was called Attliio heard of a few because, now, was affectionately known by this nickname grew and Pupo and became man.
Marinella was immediately a good mother, full of concern for the small but also for her husband when he wanted to save the inconvenience of waking at night for feedings and organized a bedroom just for him, with a comfortable four-poster that he did feel like a sultan, when he still hoped to join him Marinella, ma poi col tempo si rassegnò e se ne tornò alle delizie della lap e delle signorine a tassametro che non dicevano mai no.
In tal modo la donna si ritrovò lìbera di crescere il Pupo a modo suo, allattandolo in ogni momento del giorno e della notte, evitandogli così ogni possibile frustrazione e facendolo crescere sereno e silenzioso, pago delle coccole e delle poppe materne, sempre disponibili e pregne di tanto buon latte. Lei aveva letto, sapeva, che su al nord era di gran moda, fra le femministe ispirate da recenti avanzate teorie nord americane, l'allattamento al seno, anche prolungato nel tempo, come antidoto a malattie e anche propedeutico ad un' armonica crescita psicofisica e ci was thrown headlong with the dedication of a saint and the faith of a zealot. What these approaches do not
meraviglino, because, as a saint, was feeding the child during moments of intense emotion ecstatic, very close to real orgasms that women often facilitated or applied with slight contractions of the thighs that rub between them, are reflected in the most dark and damp of her beautiful body. Breastfeeding
of Pupo went on and on, beyond, far beyond the time of weaning.
Whenever the Pupo felt like, peremptory, his voice already evidently boy, he invoked the nipple.
took him into her room and her bra undone if attacked him until he gets tired, always after a long time, often leaving the mother and dissatisfied, even for this, ready if not eager to start over.
The years passed and the baby grow healthy and strong, though in truth, a little 'out of time.
Even the mother who spoiled him in every way, that protected him from any external injury, although not an eagle, she had to admit that the levels of learning and intellectual growth of Pupo were very homogeneous and inversely proportional to the physical .
And that body! The boy, now in first grade, was the most alto e forte di tutti ma, cosa nota solo a pochi, disponeva di una formidabile argomentazione fra le cosce che ne faceva un predestinato ai giochi d'amore.
Ffra l'altro, in questo aspetto dimostrava anche grande precocità esibendo, a tutto gusto suo e delle interessate, il proprio arnese già adulto anche fin d'allora, a donne che frequentavano la casa e che, poi, rinunciavano, anche per la scelta di Marinella a non esporle alle intemperanze del figlio.
Anzi, un giorno si sentì in dovere di chiarirgli che ci sono cose che si possono fare solo nell'intimità e che, fra queste, c'era la sua nudità che solo con la mammina si poteva esibire. Poi, vuoi per prevenire possibili guai, Look also for the sensations he had felt for years with his sucking had weakened, moving down, the woman began during the suck, to take care of the State pupesco, always evident in shooting and free show, at least to mom.
Then began a long period during which Marinella showed increasing attention to the failure of the child, fondled and caressing, kissing and sucking, always with very obvious results and rewarding for her and for him. And so, over time, she sipped the first drops of prostatic fluid from the bird of the child, holding it up triumphantly shouting "you're a man now, you're a man, finally!" but even before she experienced the joys of penetration with the boy when he enjoyed almost immediately and you will immediately afterwards, even to himself.
The years passed, secondary schools with a thousand artifices and efforts were overcome and the two incestuous harmony is always more to the point that Marinella now his slave mistress Pupo began to wonder if he should begin to distance themselves from a situation more and more difficult to manage and increasingly unhealthy for the child. Furthermore, although the boy was still very young, was urgent that a new generation came to light in order to perpetuate the family name.
The first idea that came was to find him a girlfriend, their age, ability to hijack the interest in meat cooler and sodas and, above all, towards a more normal family life and fruitful.
Done But a quick look at the girls' potential and ability to fraternize, small for his son, also carried out some miserable and half-hearted attempts in that direction, he realized quickly dell'impraticabilità of this hypothesis.
then passed to the backup plan and decided that the mother, which became a widow, like herself, had a heart attack that took the good Geppino in a sexy bar, needed a caregiver, possibly Eastern European .
The mother, after her husband's death had blossomed, and by successfully completing the dance halls in the area, initially opposed, but fully understood the design of the child, supported him by going along to it on many trips searching for the right girl.
This was identified after several visits and mediation of local agencies, in a little girl, barely eighteen, grew up in an orphanage in Kiev, and no known next of kin.
Imported in Italy, she was immediately a copy of female atypical Slavic absolutely naive virgin as well as physically, totally devoid of those experiences a little 'morbid colleges a volte, se non spesso, accadono. Questa, niente: alle allusioni sempre più scoperte di Marinella per saggiarne scafatezza e voglie, risultava ingenua, candida e tutta da addestrare.
Nè i tentativi di mettere insieme i due ragazzi, secondo il principio di lasciar fare alla natura, funzionarono anche se l'ucraina, come la chiamavano tutti, su suggerimento di Marinella che aveva spiegato alla ragazza quale fosse il suo desiderio, ci avesse provato baciandolo e strusciandocisi un po', subito respinta però, da un Pupo che solo con mammina, "quelle cose lì".
Andò a finire che una sera Marinella lasciò libero li personale di servizio e, rimasta sola coi ragazzi li convocò dell'alcova in the bedroom, already prepared with a profusion of scented candles lit, champagne in Glassett, and lift as discreet background music. Of course it fell to her to break the ice, emptying the great Pupo and urging with their breasts. He did not pray, reassured by the presence of a mother, albeit with some shame for the novelty of a stranger. She, however, apparently terrified, he accepted only after much flattery 's help, good sound but without undressing, and, God forbid, to participate.
That meeting, satisfactory only for the baby, left the mouth to the bitter two women, one for having been involved in actions unbecoming to you, the other not to be successful, as hoped, to unblock the situation and have forgotten to properly meet after the quickie Pupo that had just tickled.
But desperate times called for desperate measures Marinella Ukraine the next day and if held long with him. He explained how it was useful for a girl like you count on a rich husband and eager, as women have to accept these gifts as the Lord wills it, in this way, babies are born and other things that did not appear sensitive report .
Having established then that the major obstacle was an embarrassment to the idea of \u200b\u200bundressing in front of a male, had an intuition Marinella happy to do it herself, for himself and then handed the girl that suck their tits.
Ukraine, frustrated emotional memories and no gloss on his mother clung, almost voracious, those breasts that were generously offered, and we soon found taste and emotion while Marinella also felt an immediate return to the point of pleasure and desire to go to strip away the girl's bra and reciprocate, contrite and confident.
Since that time the two women met frequently to offer each other's breasts, if they were those of the older generation, that the Slavs were even more, made even more evident from the narrow shoulders and sometimes in the girl and forms a little 'legnosette, Marinella lies on the bed, took her in his arms and rocking and almost no one with sweet caresses made her suckling at the breast chosen, then after to spend a long time, and bared her after having pinched the nipple still tender, take action and deal with it long and hard.
was supposed to be a really nice show the union of these two figures, one dark Juno and the Mediterranean, the other fiiforme and blond, milky-skinned, her breasts of one dark brown and large capezzoloni that in ' excitement swelled and contracted, the other by huge tits, tonic, white and pink capezzolini. None, however, in addition to concerned, he could enjoy such a view, at least for some time.
Why then the mother, aware that those games were threatening to change the tables, he decided to take advantage of the newly acquired complicity with the girl, to continue its design. To do
was, however, totally subdue the girl and took advantage of it, once, a position which, with the apparent randomness had offered, and the two women had made and opposing each of the other breast in his mouth in one of 69 species of nipples; fu facile per Marinella, allungare allora un braccio in mezzo alle cosce dell'ucraina e a farle provare, finalmente, sensazioni ancor più voluttuose e definitive in cui i singhiozzi di piacere si mescolarono con quelli altrettanto belli per la tensione che finalmente si scioglieva, dopo tante eccitazioni insoddisfatte e per questa nuova intimità conquistata.
Pochi giorni dopo questo episodio, Marinella aveva concordato con la ragazza una nuova linea dì condotta verso il Pupo. Incontro, ancora una volta, con candele musica e vino ma stavolta Marinella offre i seni contemporaneamente ai due ragazzi che, vicinissimi tra loro, succhiano e quasi come cuccioli affamati si contendono le tette. Marinella è spiazzata però sensations that the two mouths in unison can make them feel mature. Moans of pleasure as well as, years before the baby receives this return to basics.
So for months, as the wolf Marinella offers the boobs to the two as you close and when the woman's son also stripped the Ukrainian enjoy it, fascinated and admires him, docile, following the expert guidance of her friend.
Pupo, however, although losing to do when it wants to fuck his mother and there's no way to divert it, and so we repeat the ritual starts with the girl who looks, the less shocked and more excited as last time and the two they give us inside. We could also call them innocent
amusements among boys growing up in a hurry but the purpose of Marinella, an heir to the son, is incompatible with this strange division of labor. Marinella
So, a little 'Bland and a bit' threatening not to enjoy more, slowly convinces the kid to grant Ukraine to replace, in offering both breasts, both in the caress, down there until it enjoy it that way initially and then overcome the first difficult moments also enjoy in the girl's mouth that seems, day after day, take more taste. In truth, to quickly obtain such a result she had to intervene actively, giving as a prize to the Pupo their breasts while the other was busy with the bird.
After these results, there is a sensational last step, the full report which was the most important initial target for Mom, that is fruitful and happy.
So even in this direction, the maternal self-sacrifice, in truth more and more complacent as the fate forces her to do, and must move a day that will be printed in memory of all three, the woman gives a turn to the situation of stall.
While Pupo, supine as always, will be to do with the mother's nipples, she encourages the girl to skip the usual ritual of mouth and elsewhere that enter pezzo di carne che ha ormai imparato così bene a trattare e lei, docile, ci si impala sopra, prima incerta e paurosa ma poi, assecondando l'energico abbraccio di Marinella che ce la forza sopra, se l' infila tutto, con una smorfia di dolore misto, ormai, a trionfo.
Le due donne sono esultanti per il clamoroso risultato ma è il Pupo, adesso, a rivoltarsi e, per tenerlo buono, ancora sarà la madre a doversi sacrificare offrendogli ogni volta i propri capezzoli da torturare mentre l'altra se lo scopa alla ricerca cocciuta del suo seme fecondante. Lui infatti ormai se non ha i seni di una e la figa dell'altra, lui no, niente da fare e, dovendo privilegiare la scopata fra i due giovani e, essendo lui uno che quando gode morde, accade che i seni ne escano sempre più provati.
Meno male che Marinella, in queste situazioni, ritrova le antiche emozioni e con questi tre crea una coppia indissolubile, un'anomala coppia, a tre corpi.
Un annetto dopo Marinella attraversa il Corso trionfante, seni sempre magnifici e desiderati da tutti i maschi che la osservano, spingendo una carrozzina. Alla sua destra c'è il Pupo e alla sinistra la sua, ormai legittima consorte, l'ucraina.
La carrozzina è una specie di pullman a due posti e contiene il frutto dell'impegno della nonna orgogliosa, una coppia di gemelli, Rosa e Fosco. Due gemellini sotto peso e anche un po' rachitici le cui storie sarebbe interesting to know and be able to tell. Too bad they are so small that it will be necessary to do so, wait another few years.
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