Clamoroso voltafaccia del Pdl: ritira due mozioni sgradite alla Lega Nord
really dramatic about-face of the PDL that during the last session of the City Council withdrew two motions submitted in support of two proposals for national legislation, the No 2689, on the Establishment of the High Council of the Italian language , and No. 3331 requesting the posting Inno di Mameli in schools primary and secondary . These two motions were recorded nell'odg City Council of June 30 along with another motion concerning the celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy. The latter was merged with the Democratic Party and a similar motion at its meeting on June 30 approved by a majority of consigliari groups (PD, PDL and civic lists) with the abstention of the Communist Refoundation and Northern League, which had led to the his vote by saying that the argument the passionate. did not escape the fact that PDL had wanted to present motions on important issues that differed markedly from the League North. Could be considered an act of courageous and consistent, and we wondered why it had been made such a choice, that would cause a clash with the League , aggravating the relations that exist within the current majority is not idyllic, despite the attempts to assert the contrary.
Monday, July 12 at the City Council has, however, been a dramatic about-face: the two motions were withdrawn from the PDL . The rationale for this decision was entrusted to an embarrassed Alessandro Vantellino - Councillor PDL and submission of the motion - which justified the withdrawal by the fact that The two bills now in domestic were straight in Parliament, which would discussed in the next few weeks. Weak argument and, moreover, false . In fact, during the same session, we recommend contacting a number of Members of the Democratic Party that we have confirmed that these two proposals were not on the agenda of the next sittings of the House and Senate. The real motivation is that of the PDL Muggiò was called to order by the superior organs of the party, who reminded them as not he should open another front in opposition to the League , when even at within the national climate della maggioranza di centrodestra è visibilmente deteriorato.
Resta il fatto inoppugnabile – accanto a una imbarazzante figuraccia - che su temi importanti, di livello nazionale ma con chiare ripercussioni anche a livello locale, ci sono profonde divergenze fra i partiti della coalizione di centrodestra . Sappiamo infatti come la Lega all’inno di Mameli preferisca il verdiano ‘Va pensiero’, alla valorizzazione della lingua italiana la valorizzazione dei dialetti e, cosa ben più grave e rilevante, all’Unità d’Italia la secessione e l’autonomia della Padania.
C’è da chiedersi quale sia allora il collante che tiene uniti il Pdl e la Lega, a Roma come a Muggiò: non certo la condivisione di fondamentali valori. Sicuramente il potere o, per usare un’espressione leghista, ‘la cadrega’ !